Review: Lunatic by K.L.Savage

Lunatic (Ruthless Asylum, #1) by K.L. Savage
Series: Ruthless Asylum #1
Genres: Dark Romace, MC Romance
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Mania: A mental illness consisting of episodes of profound excitement, euphoria, delusions, and over-activity.
I deal with highs and lows, but somehow, I end up making the best of it.My family disowned me, but family is the reason why I’m in Vegas.Even with my inability to think straight, I end up being in charge of a bunch of runaway mental patients. Control doesn’t exist if someone is fighting their mind. We have to break in order to mend.Constantly.Hence, The Asylum.A sanctuary for lost causes.Where crazy can roam free, and compulsions can be let loose.My nephew says as long as it stays at The Asylum, we won’t have problems.What fun would it be if problems didn’t exist?
And my problem is in the shape of a dancer, twirling on the front lawn in the middle of the night.Her laughter is music.Her beauty is timeless.And my mania has kicked in overdrive.When I’m obsessed with something, it’s more than what the normal person feels.If I can’t have her, no one can.If I can’t have her, I’ll die.And I’ll make sure she’ll die too.I’m a lunatic who has found the living breathing version of his mania.

Lunatic  is the first book in  another ground breaking series by K.L. Savage. Let me just say they delivered another hard punching, gut wrenching, and heart pulling story. Lunatic makes you want to hug and protect those that many would deem unlovable or unwanted.


I have faithfully read the Ruthless Series by K.L. Savage and I knew that the Ruthless Asylum series would be just as fascinating. Yet for some reason it still blows me away that these two ladies are always upping the bar on themselves. The way that they are able to blend these characters from people that most would cross the street if they saw them into people that readers would be willing to fight to the death for them shows so much talent. Taking their weaknesses and making them their strengths. It is a talent that I have rarely seen.


I truly can’t wait to meet and get to know the rest of the Asylum crew. If this is Lunacy then I don’t want to be sane.

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